About me
I’m a Data Analyst based in Adelaide, South Australia, specializing in acquiring, integrating, organizing, cleaning, and validating data. I take pleasure in transforming complex data-related challenges into simple, insightful, and intuitive solutions. My expertise lies in applying statistical techniques to identify patterns and solve real-world problems. I am proficient with business intelligence software, including Tableau and PowerBI, which I use to model and visualize data, effectively communicating organizational insights to stakeholders. I have a strong command of SQL and a good understanding of Python.
Skilled data analyst with experience acquiring, integrating, organizing, cleaning, and validating data. Expertise in applying statistical techniques to identify patterns and solve real-world problems. Proficient with tools and business intelligence software, including Tableau and PowerBI, to model and visualize data, communicating organizational insights to stakeholders. Proficient in SQL and knowledgeable in Python.
What i'm doing
Web design
The most modern and high-quality design made at a professional level.
Data Analyst
Interpreting complex data, identifying patterns, and communicating insights effectively.